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Valentine's Day Crafts

January 11, 2012

Today is one of those days where I've not gotten the kids and I into the school room in awhile. Crafts make any transition fun so I found a few valentine's day crafts for the kids and I to do. We're going to make a heart wreath out of the hearts below on the left. The kids can color each heart how ever they want then we'll cut them out, glue them in a heart or circle to hang up.

Image found at: Church House Collection

This bear was too cute and really didn't mention God so I added the text "Jesus Loves Me Beary Much!" and the verse 1Peter 4:8 which reads, "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins." and printed it out landscape oriented.

Image found at:

Also today I printed out yet another daily schedule. As much as I think I can just teach on the fly, I can not. I have my planner but need a visual that can be hung up and taken with me anywhere in the house where my planner stays in the school room. Getting a full month of school is still the goal this year, I just want to be consistent so my kids won't struggle with it as much as I have.

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