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Schedule Me Daily

January 11, 2012

I made a schedule, it got erased, I cried, I made it again and it came out even better. I really did cry when I lost the first one, let me just say it's been a  long day. Running on little sleep and less patience I will tend to cry a whole lot more. Immediately I saw the situation for what it was, an attack. We are finally moving in the right direction (again) and it was a small attack to keep me frommoving forward! I did and the schedule is better than before.

My husband works four 10hr days and then has 3 days off so when he's at work I want to try to be a bit more scheduled. On the days he's off we all eat on time, no one goes hungry, but things I've been meaning to do like phone calls can be made when he's here so the kids aren't in the background being loud. We are in the process pushing forward with our home based boutique and time needs to be managed ASAP!

I'm hoping this will help me pencil in daily and weekly dos better. The only thing I've been sort of good at keeping up with is the kitchen and it may go a few days without tending. I know, Yuck. I'll be putting these sheets into a clear divider for my binder or free to hang up on the wall. I know I have some around here somewhere.

Want to make your own? 

  • All you need is your schedule printed on paper 
  • A clear divider with 2-3 punched holes
  • Fine point dry erase markers

Christy H.

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