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They love me, they really love me.

July 11, 2010

Sweet! In one day, I was awarded 2 blog awards and notified that I won a giveaway! Sa-weeeeeet, Yipeeee, woo-hoo can you tell I'm excited? Well I am ;)

Julie from Live, Laugh, Love was so sweet to think of me for the

There are rules involved though. Once you receive this award you are to share 7 things about your self then pass it on to 15 other bloggers (15? really?). Already I'm thinking of a cute award i can make and start passing around to see  if and when it makes it's way back to me.

Well lets see, 7 things about me:

  1. I really enjoy looking at crafts of all sorts especially upcycling ones. (notice I said look, I've not done any just yet) Check out some talented ladies at Kara's Look What I Made - meme
  2. I'm 4.5 months pregnant with my 4th child and hopping to do a water birththe reason I started looking into births at home. This will be my 3rd home birth.
  3. My hubby, Mr. Dreamy, is my bestest friend. There is no one I'd rather do this thing called Life with. 
  4. I never thought I would have so many kids, homeschool, and cloth diaper and like it. God knew ;)
  5. I can't wait to wear a bikini again and start this war against my unwanted but understood 75lbs.
  6. I want to be one of those people that runs 2-3 miles every morning.
  7. I am stronger than my husband but he's faster than me. I was always that girl who could lift just as much as the boys could.

These are blogs I've come to really enjoy reading in my short month of blogging. I'm so glad facebook lets you tag people and let me notify some of you that way.
Angelface PrintsBWS tips buttonSugar Pop Ribbons Giveaway LogoOur Life One Step at a TimeThe Girl Is A Mom

With next award I want to award everyone that takes the time out to comment on my ramblings here at Home-Mom. I'm growing because of your sunny words, Thank you!

~ Christy Pin It

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