Are you a compulsive picture taker?
Do you stalk your family with a camera?
Well, you've come to the right place!
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Brittany Ciara's
First off I'd like to thank Mr. Dreamy, for allowing me to stay home.

...and lil dreamy,
...Princess J and Princess T.

Without them I wouldn't have a purpose to fulfill every single day.
Thank goodness God has a plan higher than mine and only through my Joy in Jesus do I have the strength to survive and thrive each day. (very poetic ;)
This November, Baby #4 will be joining us on this crazy ride called
I'd also really like to thank the very talented Miss Brittany Ciara for thinking up this wonderful blog party. She is def not your average teen and proves it with her talented blog and drive. To check out more hop over and see her.
Here are my 5 Blog Bash Questions:
- Why do you blog? I started out as a giveaway addict. Why? I just got into using cloth diapers, those things are crazy expensive. So what better way to get them then win them. So far I've won 4. I decided to start a giveaway review blog to get the word out on products I find interesting, are helping the environment, or just bring some fun back into the home.
- What do you blog about? I blog about my life, as boring or entertaining that may be it's all I know. The things I find most important right now is to document my families journey as first time homeschoolers, home birthing, and making as much stuff from home. Becoming self sufficient is the key to
- What do you dind to be the biggest reward you get from blogging? Meeting so many like-minded people has been the most rewarding thing so far. In our world we are considered "crazy" for some of the things we do. We shy away from medicating for every ailment. We don't vaccinate because we've been given a perfectly good immune system and the ingredients in vaccinations are highly toxic.
- How long have you been blogging? I started a family blog a few years ago but this blog was born June 2009 with the idea to educate, document, and have fun.
- Let's hear the story behind your blog name! Home is where the Mom is :) I never dreamed growing up as a little girl that I would enjoy being a mommy. I wanted to be a scientist and discover the cure for aids, be a pediatrician, or a famous singer/dancer. I am quickly approaching 30 and realizing life is too short to be squandered. My children need a secure home front to go out and face the war front going on which will only get worse it seems. This blog is helping me organize our lives, document our journey, and share our passions with others. Thanks for reading hope you come again :)
@home_mom and on
Hop with me this Friday, July 16th for my 4th iFiH
Thank you so much for stopping by I hope to see you soon because
~ Christy :) Pin It