What you'll need:
First Keep a box of baking soda in the bathroom
I currently have some in our bathroom we use to brush our teeth with.
Second Apple Cider Vinegar, in a spray bottle ad 1part ACV to 3parts water ex: 1/4cup ACV to 3/4cup water

In the shower or bath take a small amount of baking soda and make a paste with the water. Wash your head and scalp. Then rinse and spray hair with your ACV solution. Let it sit then rinse. We have some lavender essential oil and I'll add that to the oil I use in my girls hair to give a fresh smell. The potency of the vinegar fades with time, ~15-20 minutes.
With our textured hair I'm not sure how the baking soda will work, if I'll be able to get it all out or not. I have to wash their hair section by section not in a whole mass (that'd be a mess).
~ Christy
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