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How we do cloth

July 15, 2010

I've been cding for almost 2 months. I shared that story here. Since then I've grown 14 prefolds larger and gained 2 more covers. My aunt made the one pictured below. My main concern starting out was just to start, so now I have the diapers and next to get are the cool accessories. I need a diaper sprayer, the lawn hose just isn't cutting it anymore. It works but having to go outside might be a hassle when winter comes around. Walmart bags are plentiful in our house but do very little for smell, a wetbag and or pail liner would be awesome especially once my stash grows.

Our system is working pretty well so far, I keep the diapers in a 3 drawer organizer and once they are washed and dried I try to stuff and fold right away. Lil dreamy has had zero rashes (even when I thought them to be inevitable). I cut up an old fleece blanket and keep a layer of that between him and his diaper. Not only is it super absorbent but it acts as a liner and can be thrown away if I ever need to. I'm not too big a fan of velcro since lil dreamy can pull it off so I use a pair of big boy underwear as his cover's cover. It a bit redundant but it works and I don't have to worry. One day soon I'll start my own WAHM diaper store for fam and friends.

Do you use cloth diapres, how do you do it?
Link up with some really neat ladies and share your story here.

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~ Christy
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