So I'm thinking of a smaller commitment, just one book a month. Since I've read the HG trilogy there's my 3 for January, February, and March, right? I don't really have a set genre but I'd really like to work on a few self improvements. I already have quite the arsenal sitting on my shelf and really need to dig in absorb all the juicy goodness I have available. For the month of April I plan to finish my book, Have a New You by Friday: How to Accept Yourself, Boost Your Confidence & Change Your Life in 5 Days. Hubby bought it for me last year and I've not gotten past the first few chapters, I know he'll be proud of me. Pretty sure my kids will appreciate it too.
The real title should be, Be a New Mom by Friday
Start now or join me in May!
Be on the look out for more book reviews and if you've read any of the upcoming books or have suggestions let me know and I'll check it out. If this goes well I may just shoot for 13 in 2013, whew that may be pushing it.
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