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Welcome to the eighth edition of

May 18, 2011

W elcome to momMADE! I'm so glad you made it, hopefully you can share it too. Get it, made it, share it? Okay I'm sorry. I'm just a bit giddy to have a brand new spot for all things Crafty, Etsy, DIY, etc. InLinkz has made me a happy girl too. They stepped in a few weeks ago and helped with my linky problems. Of course I have to give them shoutouts for all of their support.

Thank you to TalesOfATrophyWife for the Homemade Naan (bread) recipe last week! The Hubs loves to make Tikka Masala and we never have enough Naan to go around. Plus it can run on the expensive side.

Let's Get This PARTY Started .)
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