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It's Friday, I'm Hopping! number sixteen

October 7, 2010

The day is nearing, just 40 days to go until this little turkey arrives. Gosh you'd think it would get easier but it's all the same anxieties, stresses, and fears. This woman doesn't feel too wise these days and my home is suffering because of it. I'll be taking a much needed break in the months to come. I've got some nesting to catch up on plus I think a huge regroup is needed for our family and for my blog all together.

I've got some giveaways going on that I'll keep an eye on and will keep hopping but for awhile that's as much as you'll see me. I have a huge surprise post for those of you interested in home-birth that I will share after this birth. I'm planning my 3rd home birth this November (NEXT MONTH). Hope you all find more friends and followers and as always be blessed!

Remember this linky lasts all weekend...

Follow. follow the host #1 then 2 or 3 more (it's up to you, but def leave a comment so they can follow you back) Spread the word. Feel free to grab the linky code titled "Get the Code Here" from the bottom of this post (on the left hand side), and take the hop straight to your page. Add the iFiH button to your post or sidebar.Have fun!This list is new every week so come back each friday for a new hop and new friends. Runs from Thursday 10pm - Sunday 11:59pm CST

Family Friendly Blogs only!
(meaning little to no profanity, and absolutely no nudity, etc.)

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