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31 Day Challenge
Day 3 Promote a blog post

July 31, 2010

Promote my post? I guess I do this already. I use facebook, blog link parties, and twitter somewhat. Everything outside of that is beyond me. I've yet to visit other SITS mamas to figure what works best. I have a blog frog but don't use it, some things are just still very new to me. I'll need to look into some really good ones and promote myself till I'm blue (which would be really hard to do).

It looks like I'll need to get connected with my inner frog and spend more time on my Blog Frog. That seems to be a number generator for the other girls. When I first started I just skimmed every blog I loved and grabbed gadgets they had not knowing what it really did or why. Blog Frog is one of the many I've gotten. Some have come and gone but BF has never been a part of my actual blog. I'll be adding it in the next few days. I love Google Friends Connect but haven't fully used it correctly. I've learned that you can read all your blogs in one place much like email. I've learned so much in just 3 days (really one day, playing catch-up) that I just know on the other side of this 31 days I'll see some major improvement.

(Still crashing the party)

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