Day 2 already? I guess I have made a few lists already but didn't see the significance or importance of them. I read a post on 101 in 1001 days and thought wow that's amazing, if I could do that I'd feel accomplished. Here's where I attempted... First I started out with 10 then went ahead and jumped all the way in with my version of a 101 things and its still waiting on me to finish it. I'm a list kind of girl but when they get too long I either zone out or block out. I visited a few blogs to get the gist of it and found I wasn't too off with what I'd already done.
These lists are important to convey some information that you don't necessarily have to give. Info you've found elsewhere but deem important enough to share. I can see myself doing more of these in the future. Glad I know what to call them now.
Join the SITS girls and I as we continue on this better blog journey.
(Still crashing the party)