Day1-Write an elevator pitch.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to research what this means. Not only that but I'm to write a short one and a long one. So I looked it up and an elevator pitch is "an overview for an idea of a product, service, or project." Well when I started my blog it was all about me, what I do, how I do it, and what I'd like to do. How can that be in any way entertaining to others? I also wanted to attract readers, host giveaways, and making even a small amount of money would never hurt. I had begun Home-Mom back in 2009 with the idea of making our home life better. Since then its been a venting documentary of sorts. Help me get on track 31DBBB!
Short pitch: Home is where mom is.
Long: Home is wherever mom is, meaning whatever mood mom's in the home will feel it. Helping moms see the connection between home and mom.
I really fell in love with that line, and had happened upon proverbs 14:1 when I was in search of scripture for mothers. It states that the wise woman builds her house (I am strong but not sure I could build a house) but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.
At first I thought, well those women were strong back then, they were the ones who built and set up the tents, took care of the babies, and all that good stuff. I started thinking more along the idea of attitude and actions rather than physical. Acting foolish or wise, it's a choice we have. Based on the outcome a house is built or torn down. I want to leave a legacy greater than the one left for me, even greatly one that will honor God. The kind of legacy he had in mind, that he intended when he created families.
I have a truly important role and really need to take it seriously, its not just cooking, cleaning, diapering, or anything like that it's a relationship. I really enjoyed this exercise and glad I was able to put into words what I've been thinking for some time. I hope it wasn't too wordy.
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